
The individuals enrol themselves on the site to become visible to the public. The idea is to be noticeable on the site in order to showcasetheir talents or the personal attributes, so that they can be discovered by anyone who is looking for the similar attributes in the desired area.

The site lets the individuals enrol and gives them a platform to demonstrate their personal attributes to the public and only the key words rendered by the individuals shall help them to become more noticeable.

The site works on the popular belief that “Whatis seen can be sold”, there is tremendousscope for the person’s visibility for his development in career or achievements but still the site does not guarantee any placement/ benefits in business or any other instant returns by enrolling.

The site allows you to update your skills and other attributes which may change with time. All care is taken to make sure that no illegal/ unethical details are submitted and the site does not take any responsibility for wrong doing of any stature. The responsibility of maintaining the profile falls in the hands of the persons themselves. The member is advised to check, maintain and upgrade or change the profile on a regular basis.